Friday, July 6, 2012

Rules and Regulations

Work was extremely slow this week due to the Independence holiday so I decided to use this down wisely and locate rules on International marriage. In movies, our favorite actresses and actors make it look so easy. It's a easy concept, one person moves over to the others country. Well it should be, but it's not. Thanks to all those who abuse the system and are looking for hand outs I need to fill out form after form after form. Devote hours upon hours into researching everything I need to prove to the UK government that I am in love with a British Citizen and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Just how do you prove that on paper? How do you SHOW someone on paper that you are in love with someone. Apparently, like this:

E-mails, private messages, plane tickets, confirmations and legal documents stating that I have been conversing back and forth with Liam and that I have seen him in the last two years. My love for Liam has to be proven with e-mails and plan confirmations. I wish I could have a immigration officer spend a day with me to see everything we do for each other. The time we sacrifice, the agenda's we give up, the conversations we have and the hardships we share. 

An average day for Liam and I starts with us opening our eyes. Liam has a perfectly comfortable queen size bed, but forgoes it to sleep on his love seat sofa so that we can webcam through the night. We do this so that we feel as though we're sleeping together. I've found it hard to sleep without knowing he's around, so Liam curls up on his couch every night to comfort me. If Liam has to work that day, he will wake me up at 3 or 4 am , as it is 8am or 9am for him, and say "good morning" and then rush to work. If it is Liam's day off then he will mute his microphone and hang out until I wake up hours later. I work 9-5:30 and I have a forty-five minute commute everyday. We can't really text each other while Liam is at work so we tend to keep it to his breaks and lunch and even then I'm not guaranteed to talk to him as Liam gets distracted easily. Isn't that right Liam?  Liam usually gets out of work at noon my time. My job has me on the computer anyway so I tend to slip him an e-mail every once in a while to talk. It's hard for me to continue that throughout the day as I don't want to abuse my job and get in trouble. Once 5:30pm hits I run out the door and into my car. My co-workers always comment on how fast I peel out of the parking lot. On an average day, mild traffic and me going five or ten miles over the speed limit, I get home around 6:15pm. At this time it is 11:15pm Liam's time. If Liam is awake we may get an hour and a half to talk on Skype before he heads to bed for work the next day. This means I only see my Fiance for an hour and a half at night if I'm lucky. Then when he goes to sleep, I still have two or three hours till I need to go to bed for work. In this time I am usually UK job hunting or working on our Fiance Visa paperwork. I don't work weekends so I tend to use that time to see friends and family, but if I hang out with people Liam usually sleeps in his bed, leaving me to wait. I try to keep myself awake until 4am so I can say good morning to Liam, hence why I'm writing this blog so late. It's hard to have a social life on this kind of schedule, when friends want to make plans I have to try and plan it around Liam's sleep schedule. If I can't coordinate it, I have to wait a whole other day to see Liam.

 I know it doesn't seem like a big deal. I'm sure you know people who go longer without seeing their loved ones. The fact of the matter is Liam and I sacrifice a lot to be in this relationship. We put more effort in trying to talk to each other than a LOT of couples who live in same house do. Communication is all Liam and I have. We look forward to the times when we can just lay in bed with each other and just hold each other. We long for those time when we can wake up next to each other in the same bed in the same time zone. 

How can I reduce all these emotions and sacrifices onto paper? How can I relate all this in e-mails and photos? The worst part is we're not even guaranteed this visa. If we get married they don't have to hand us a visa. I could be denied a passport because the UK government doesn't think I'm in love with Liam. 

This week I have read so much negative information about visas. Information stating that my financial status could be what ruins my chances or the lack of sufficient proof of a relationship. After all this reading, all I could do was put my head down and sob. After going through so many trails, when was it ever going to come together for us? The one thing I know is that Liam and I will never give up on this. We have so much love and commitment going in this relationship that we will find away around it. There is a reason why we choose "I won't give up" by Jason Marz as our wedding song. 

To my readers who are in the same situation as I, don't give up. Don't let the frustrations of our your situation bog you down. You are in love with someone amazing. Just because they are in a different country doesn't mean that your relationship can't be as real as any other relationship. Everything you are going through is so going to be worth it in the long run. With all the negative outlook on International Marriage and getting a visa just keep in mind the positives, I struggle with this myself. As Liam tells me all the time the reason they do this is to weed out the people who are just in it for the visa, they want to reward those, like us, who have struggled. So even though you get frustrated and bogged down by the mushy lovey couple stuff around you, just remember you will be rewarded for your efforts with a beautiful stamp on your passport one day! That's what I'm holding onto. 

Love, Peace and Chicken Grease, 


Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Big One

     "The very best place to start," says Julie Andrews, "is right at the beginning." Taking a tip from her that is exactly what I'll do. My name is Amanda. I am 23 years old and I am a college graduate. I graduated from SUNY Fredonia in 2011 with a degree in English literature and writing. I work for insurance company answer phones by saying "Thank you for calling Customer Service. This is Amanda, how can I help you?". I am also in a long distance relationship. In May 2011 I met Liam and we hit it off right away. Certain circumstances prohibited us from dating and so we remained good friends. The only thing is Liam lives in England and I live in the United States, hanging out is kind of hard. In November 2011, my best friend Erica and I went to England to meet Liam in person. Once I saw him in person I knew my feelings were more than that of a friend nature. When I got home my circumstance ended and Liam and I started dating February 9th 2012. On May 28th 2012 Liam proposed to me on the beach in Palma de Mallorca. We are planning a wedding for June 1st 2013!

    That's our story in a nutshell without all the drama. Liam and I have been through a lot and now we're ready to spend our lives together. There is just one little thing in the way.


The Atlantic Ocean. Making three thousand miles of distance between us. Forcing us to travel a 16 hour flight where I spend most of it hyperventilating until we land, not because I hate flying but because I am SUPER impatient. I want everything yesterday and it was one of my biggest flaws. This flaw makes a long distance relationship VERY difficult, more so than need be. Throughout my life I have been in other long distance relationship though obviously this one is different and more meaningful. Therefore I am more impatient than ever to end this long distance and be with Liam everyday! 

I want to go from this:

To This:

For people who have stumbled upon/been nagged by me to read this I want this blog to offer up some guidance or some comfort to others dealing with the same thing I am. I want to comfort you in that fact that you're not alone and there are others out there that know how you feel. I also want to guide you in how you can make long distance work, it doesn't have to seem like a chore and it doesn't have make you want to eat a whole tube of ice cream alone. It takes two people willing to work for a common goal that makes long distance relationships work. And long distance relationships CAN work,  don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Although I want to make something clear, I'm talking LONG distance relationships. 

Like this:

If you do not have to FLY to get to your significant other or drive more than an hour or two, I can't give you my sympathy, while I don't deny that you have a longer distance relationship than others, this is still convenient even if it doesn't feel like it. You still have the ability to visit them every other weekend or everyday, all you have to do is put in more effort in than others to see them. My situations and others have to wait MONTHS to see our partners. We have to pay hundreds of dollars for airline tickets to see our loved ones. Then when we are with them we only have a couple of days to spend with them and then we have to part again for months. I'm not trying to down play your relationship, I just wouldn't call it a long distance one, maybe we can call it a short long distance relationship. Honestly, I would kill to be an hour away from Liam, it would be so much easier than this. Even though this is hard, I wouldn't change a thing about it. I love Liam and we're going to be a stronger marred couple because of this. He is worth it. 

I am going to post every Friday and I hope to see you all reading. 

Love, Peace and Chicken Grease, 
